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 Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 277
Age : 47
Profession : chef de production
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2010

Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur Empty
MessageSujet: Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur   Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur Icon_minitimeMer 21 Sep - 12:22

Firelands : Hell Hound Rend Flesh damage has been reduced by 25%. The damage multiplier granted by energy to Unstable Magma has been reduced by 50%.

Alysrazor : Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty. Alysrazor now drops 1 additional feather in 10-player mode and 2 additional feathers in 25-player mode in all cycles. The Wings of Flame buff duration on Alysrazor is now uniformly 30 seconds.Alysrazor’s Fiery Tornados now move slower.

Baleroc : Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty. Baleroc now swings 25% slower while Decimation Blade is active. The duration of Tormented has been reduced on normal difficulty.

Beth'tilac : Beth'tilac's health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.

Lord Rhyolith : Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty. The health and damage of additional enemies in this encounter have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty.

Majordomo Fandral Staghelm : Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage has been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty. Druid of the Flame have had their health reduced by 15%, and Sunfire damage reduced by 25% on both difficulties. The health and melee damage of Spirit of the Flame have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty, and reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.

Ragnaros : Ragnaros' health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Ragnaros' damage has been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty. Magma Trap damage has been reduced on all difficulties. The health and damage of additional enemies in this encounter have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty and 15% on Heroic difficulty. Wrath of Ragnaros now knocks targets up, but not back, on normal difficulty.

Shannox : Health and damage have been reduced by 15% on both normal and Heroic difficulty. Riplimb's health has been reduced by 15%. Rageface's health has been reduced by 15%. Magma Flare damage and Hurl Spear damage have been reduced by 15% on both difficulties.

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Gros Naab
Gros Naab

Nombre de messages : 43
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2011

Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur   Et voila les nerf sont actif sur les serveur Icon_minitimeMer 21 Sep - 15:02

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